What is Zoo Station?
When does Zoo Station Open?
How long will Zoo Station be at the Venetian Resort?
What are the hours of operation?
What can we expect to find inside?
Where is Zoo Station located?
How do I get to Zoo Station from The Venetian?
How do I get to Zoo Station from The Palazzo?
Are tickets required for entry into Zoo Station?
Is there an age requirement for the Zoo Station experience?
What is the Zoo TV Cinema?
What are the showtimes for the Zoo TV Cinema?
How can we purchase tickets for the Zoo TV Cinema?
Will each screening at Zoo TV Cinema offer something different, or are they all the same?
Do all the screenings run for the same amount of time?
Can I bring food/beverages to Zoo TV Cinema?
What is the refund and cancellation policy for Zoo TV Cinema tickets?
Can I pick my own seats at Zoo TV Cinema?
How much does it cost for a ticket to a Zoo TV Cinema screening?
What’s included in the Vibee VIP Package at Zoo Station?
If I am a VIP Package holder, do I still need to reserve my spot for a Zoo TV Cinema screening?
How will you know I am a Vibee VIP purchaser?
Do I need to be 21+ to attend the Vibee VIP Pre-Show Access Hour?
Is the Vibee VIP Pre-Show Access Hour an open bar?
Will I have access to the U2 Pop Up shop during the Vibee VIP Pre-Show Access Hour?
Can I still purchase a Vibee VIP Package?
Can I access the second floor at Zoo Station?
Is there a dedicated entrance for cinema-goes at Zoo TV Cinema?
Where is the U2 Pop Up Shop located?
What form of payments are accepted at Zoo Station?
Will there be exclusive Zoo Station experience merchandise at the U2 Pop Up Shop?
What’s the return policy for merchandise purchased at the U2 Pop Up Shop?
I have a question about the Sphere.
Are pets allowed inside Zoo Station?
Is Zoo Station wheelchair accessible?
Who should I contact for media inquiries?